Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Easy Steps To Fighting Global Warming Today To Save Tomorrow

Easy Steps To Fighting Global Warming Today To Save Tomorrow By: J Simkhai

There are a lot of things we don’t know about our world but this next fact is true: There is no debate among experts scientists about global warming. It is a fact and it is happening right now. We are causing it by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. Records show these activities are pumping far more CO2 into the atmosphere than ever before.

That leaves us with an important question. How can you, just one person in this big world, stop temperatures from rising, glaciers from melting and oceans from swelling? The answer is easy. Do your part. If everyone one of us just changed our daily routines even a little bit, we can change the outcome of the earth’s future.

Here are something simple steps you can try to do everyday. These may not seem like much of a change but you will be pleasantly surprised at how well they work. You’ll be saving the earth and money.

Buy organic cotton - Annually, conventional cotton is responsible for the use of $2.6 billion worth of pesticides, more than any other crop. Look for labels that say certified organic, meaning the prohibition of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers have been met.

Take your own bag when you shop – We throw away a hundred billion plastic grocery bags a year. That's a whole lot of petroleum used to produce items that clog our landfills. Governments worldwide are restricting the manufacture of plastic bags or taxing them. Many stores charge their customers a few cents extra for them. Others give a small refund for each of their bags you don't fill. So tuck your own bag into your purse, pack, or pocket next time you shop.

Make your spring cleaning safer – Try to buy one green cleaning product to replace a conventional toxic one, such as those containing caustic ammonia and chlorine bleach. These chemicals can burn your eyes and respiratory tract and, if accidentally combined, produce a toxic gas. Also, they can find their way into our waterways and harm wildlife.

Save money and fossil fuels - The average household spends ten to fifteen percent of its annual electricity bill on lighting. Most incandescent light bulbs use only ten percent of their energy to produce light while the rest is wasted as heat. Use an energy efficient, compact fluorescent light bulb instead. The EPA estimates that if just one room in every U.S. home was lit by CFLs, we'd save 1,000 billion pounds in CO2 emissions each year. Some states even offer green power options for consumers who want to buy energy from environmentally friendlier sources such as wind or hydroelectric power, rather than coal-fired power plants.

Save water in a second – Your faucet flows about three gallons of water per minute, so turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. Take showers instead of baths. They use considerably less water.

Buy locally grown produce - An astonishing waste of fuel is used when getting Fruits and vegetables to the dinner table. Buying local produce means better flavor and the chance to try varieties not sold elsewhere. It also helps keep small local farmers in business, which in turn preserves the countryside.

Defeat house and garden pests without pesticides - Household pests are not only bothersome but they can also spread disease and cause allergic reactions. Toxic sprays are no solution since they are just that – toxic.

Use safe plastics – As you walk through your local grocery store, take a look at the shelves notice how much of the food and water we buy comes in contact with plastic. Not all plastics are created equal and some are considerably safer than others, especially when it comes to food packaging and storage. Look for containers made from #2 plastic, which is both recyclable and won't leak toxic chemicals when properly used. Also, #4 and #5 are safe alternatives, though can’t be recycled.

It’s obvious that something needs to be done today about global warming and not today. Hopefully, by following some of the above mentioned suggestions, there will be a tomorrow for our children and not just a wasteland.

By: J Simkhai

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