Monday, December 14, 2009

The Events Of Global Warming

The Events Of Global Warming

Though due to the global warming impact there has been many seasonal changes, but the months of Nov Jan are considered to be the colder months of the world especially in the northern hemisphere.
Global warming is an issue that requires immediate action.

With global warming, the Netherlands would be in danger with the polar ice melting and the sea level coming up to an threatening level. First it was the hole in the ozone layer, then global warming, then El Nio, then Seinfeld called it quits -- my God, is there no end to the horror we mortals must endure.

But what with global warming, and rising sea levels, we figure that we might be able to just go to Southern VT or NH year-round, or back to RI where we grew up. The fact is that global warming is in the future and most individuals are more worried about what is happening in the present.

The global warming alarmists want us to believe all of their research and paperwork and they tell us to the earth is heating up and we are all going to die in an apocalyptic fiery hell.

Warming world
Whatever global warming and peak oil do to world markets, one thing is certain: individuals will still have to eat. By stopping the consumption of meat and dairy products, we would raise the level of average health in the population a lot, we could cut down on the health budgets of each nation (which are very high all over the western world,- a real burden on us all), and at the same time save ourselves from the green house effect and the global warming problem.

And the price of burning fossil fuels is more than just financial: environmentalists the world over continually warn about the dangers of using non-renewable energy sources that pollute the environment when burned, global warming being just one of the major topics frequently discussed.

Consequences of global warming
The idea is to stop, or at least slow down, the effects of global warming. Instead of just talking about the scientific results of climate change on our biosphere, talk about the South Pacific fisherman who can no longer feed his family because the fish catch has declined due to global warming. An Inconvenient Truth - if you have to see one, see this one about global warming and its terrible far-reaching effects.

Take for example, the global warming and earth changes are direct effects of this lack of care.

These and a mass of other global warming questions are rising up across the world. Proponents of the bill have a whole different set of assumptions: --they arent at all certain that humans have a decisive part in global warming.

Facing the facts of global warming, countries all over the world have just begun to acknowledge the negative effects of global warming not only to the world's politics and economy but also to humankind in general.
By: businessone

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Best Way To Solve Problems Of Global Warming

Best Way To Solve Problems Of Global Warming

Construction has begun in Southern California on two solar thermal plants for Pacific Gas and Electric, and Southern California Edison, that will be providing 2.3 gigawats of solar thermal power. By itself, the Southern California Edison deal is the world’s largest solar energy deal.

The plants being built are bigger, but will be more cost effective to build than most other new plants. These kind of solar thermal plants are cheaper to build than coal plants, cheaper than gas plants, and they’re building them a lot faster.

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental advocate for the past 25 years, has said, “Once the plants are up and running, the energy is free forever. We won’t have to go to Saudi Arabia and drill holes in the ground, then pump the oil up, and then refine it, and then ship it across the Atlantic with a military escort, and get in periodic wars in Mesopotamia and other places, and then have to distribute the oil across the country.

The electrons are hitting our country for free... coming down from the Sun for free, every day. If we build these plants to pick up the electrons, and the infrastructure to deliver them, we can put them into our lines... And if we are to build this out across the country, we can provide 100% of the energy needs in this country, in conjunction with other clean power sources, for about 750 billion dollars.”

Kennedy makes the point that 750 billion is less than the amount of dollars we export to purchase foreign oil each and every year. "Taxpayers involuntarily gave 700 billion dollars to Wall Street, and everybody believes it will take generations to pay back. But actually, it will only take just one year, without our financial expenditure for foreign oil."

What we need to make this work is a straightforward market place. That’s what Americans demand. We need an open marketplace that does what a market is supposed to do, which is to reward good behavior, which is efficiency, and punish bad behavior, which is inefficiency and waste.

Today we have a market that is rigged to favor the dirtiest, filthiest, most poisonous, most expensive fuels from hell. We need to design a marketplace that rewards the clean, cheap, fuels from heaven. We can do this very quickly. For instance, in 1979 America started a national grid, a national backbone for the internet. In 1980, there were fewer than 500 personal computers in this country and IBM was saying it was a dead end technology. Well now, every American has a PC, because we had a marketplace. Look at the effect that has had on the cost of information. It has plummeted to almost nothing. That same thing will happen with the cost of electrons if we follow through and build a national grid for electricity in this country.

Here’s another example, in 1996, President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act which opened up the telecommunications grid and spawned a national, and worldwide telecommunications revolution. That’s why we have an Ipod. Today there are companies that can provide unlimited long distance and local calling for $18 a year. That’s what is going to happen to the cost of energy, if we build a national marketplace that operates in a straightforward manner.

We need to make sure that the market rules are aligned with our national interests, and with the global interest of saving our planet. We need to make sure that our utility companies can make money by getting their consumers to conserve energy, and that their profits are not dependent upon them selling as much energy as possible. And then we need to open up the grid so that everyone can get on it. If you have a solar panel on your roof, and you’re not home for one part of the day, and your house is generating more energy than it's using, you ought to be able to sell that energy back to the grid and get market rates for it. But there is no state where you can do that today. Thirty six states will buy it back from you, but all of them limit how much, and none of them will give you the market rate.

If we follow through with these fundamentals, we will make every American into an energy entrepreneur, every home into a power plant, and we can power this country from American initiative and entrepreneurship of energy, rather than Saudi oil.

By: Matt Paul Hardy

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Effects of Global Warming on Health

Effects of Global Warming on Health

A report of the effects of global warming on health published by WHO, has estimated around one million fifty thousand deaths every year due to global warming. Further it declared that each year five million people are suffering from health problems and diseases caused for this climate change. The rising concern over this matter has led many scientists and researchers to take a deeper look and prepare a plan to save human civilization from this onslaught.

Global warming has caused changes in temperature, ocean current flow, sea level, ecosystem, economy, agriculture, industry, settlements and related to all these - the health and living.

Warmer world has created congenial atmosphere for the breeding and life expanse of various virus, bacteria and carriers of infectious diseases. Few evidences of global warming leaving negative effects on human health are:

- The vectors distribution of infectious diseases have been altered and increased.

- Heat wave resulted causing deaths.

- The seasonal distribution of few species of allergenic pollen has been changed.

- Various extreme conditions of global warming like droughts, heat and cold wave, storm, flood, fire will increase the death tolls as well as injuries and diseases.

- Malnutrition and disordered development of children.

- It will cause increase of malaria, diarrhea, cholera, dengue, encephalitis and other diseases.

- There will be constant rising rate of mortality due to ground level ozone related diseases as well as high cardio respiratory morbidity.

Thus it will affect human health in two major ways - with extreme weather condition and with rising infectious diseases. IPCC in a study of one of the most global warming affected area of Illinois, Chicago, has provided an apprehensive report that by 2020 extreme climate condition like heat wave will raise the climate average deaths to 400 and to 497 by 2050 from the present average of 191. European heat wave of 2003 is an example of its severity. Heat waves will even cause cardio respiratory complications resulting to high rate of deaths.

The results of ill health due to climate change and infectious diseases are already evident. Houston as well as many tropical countries are experiencing frequent outbreak of malaria, dengue and other encephalitis diseases. Even colder regions like Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Queens are severely suffering from malaria since 1990 as a result of global warming. McAllen of Texas also suffered a dengue epidemic in 1995. Florida, New Orleans, Arizona, Mississippi, Texas, Colorado, and California - all are experiencing encephalitis epidemic for global warming since 1987. According to IPCC, 65% of world population will suffer from high risk of infectious diseases in near future. The risk itself will be increased by 20%, only as a result of global warming.

Facing such an impending calamity due to climate change, the requirement of proper planning and organized adaptation to new and changing condition has received a new dimension.

Along with urgent and basic adaptation practices to fight the immediate effects, a longer planning and elaborate gradual methodology are also necessary to address the severity of future conditions resulted from this. A participatory approach to the holistic development of human health is expected to sober down the effects of global warming on health to some extent.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Refrigerants Have High Global Warming Potential

Refrigerants Have High Global Warming Potential

The global warming potential of chemicals is well documented. This is usually documented by referencing how much a chemical will impact global warming as compared to a similar amount of carbon dioxide.

Refrigerants typically outrank carbon dioxide by a factor of 100 or even 1000 and stay in the atmosphere longer to our climate's detriment.

A global warming potential value is assigned to all greenhouse gases. This number is used by scientists to determine how gases, such as refrigerants, will impact global warming within 20 years, 100 years and 500 years.

Most greenhouses gases stay in the atmosphere longer than 20 years, with many as high as 100 years. Unless action is taken to control emissions and dangerous gases, considerable harm will be done to the earth and all living organisms on it.

In determining the global warming potential of a substance, three factors are considered. They are the amount of absorption of infrared radiation, the atmospheric location of where absorption takes place, and how long the substance remains in the atmosphere. A substance with a high potential has a greater impact of causing adverse climate change.

The lower the global warming potential of the substance the better for a healthy environment. All refrigerants in use today can contribute to global warming as greenhouse gases and this is why there are regulations in place to limit their use. These refrigerants will eventually be phased out and replaced with more palatable alternatives.

Chemicals with the highest global warming potential are hydrochlorofluorocarbons, such as those found in refrigeration and cooling systems. The values for hydrochlorofluorocarbons range from 120 to 12,240 over their atmospheric lifetime. When these numbers are broken down, it takes only one molecule of refrigerant gas to cause harm to the ozone layer.

The refrigerant R-113 Trichlorotrifluoroethane has one of the highest global warming potential values at 4800, while the refrigerant R-114 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane has one of the lowest values at 3.9. The alternative refrigerants being developed have no impact on global warming and are being used in the production of all types of new refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

Facilities that use refrigerants with a high global warming potential, for example commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and HVAC systems, must monitor and track usage and submit reports regularly. Both the US Clean Air Act and other international treaties mandate these requirements.

emissions from refrigerants with a high global warming potential are on the decline due to new regulations, particularly those which refer to leak reporting and leak fixing. The United States has led the way and harmful refrigerant gases should be phased out by 2015. Facilities must comply with the appropriate regulations to avoid penalty, but more importantly help to sustain the future of the world's environment.

By: Daniel Stouffer..
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do Your Part To Fight Global Warming

Do Your Part To Fight Global Warming

According to something I read recently, the global temperatures of the earth have increased on average of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) since the late 1800s, which means to me that global warming is real and not going away anytime soon.

I believe many people believe the realities of global warming and want to do something to help. Every little bit helps and if you are like me and want to do something to do your part to help reduce global warming here are some ideas that you can implement today.

Compost Food Waste
When you discard your food waste it simply goes into the trash and then hauled away to your local landfill. Once there it begins to rot which is a release of methane gas. Methane is a contributor to global warming. Sure that leftover bowl of spaghetti may not seem like much that you are throwing away, but imagine the other 6 billion people on the planet that are doing the same thing. It does add up. Instead compost that food waste by burying it. Dig a hole about 2 to 3 feet deep and bury it. You are doing two things here. First you are reducing waste that goes to your landfill and second your supplying food to earthly creatures such as worms, bacteria and fungi. These creatures will eat your food waste and in turn produce castings that are nutrient rich for the soil. Methane doesn’t get released into the atmosphere and you help your soil.

Reduce Driving
The emissions from automobiles are one of the leading causes of global warming. Until cleaner fuels become more main stream we must use other methods to help in reduction. Be smarter with your driving practices. Combine trips when you go out. Car pool to work with others. When you are at a drive thru, such as the bank, turn the car off while you wait. These are just a few ways you can reduce your car’s emissions. Obviously not driving at all is the best solution, but it is impractical for the majority of people.

Be Smart with Electric
The majority of electric generated in the world is done so through burning fossil fuels such as coal. Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide, so it goes without saying that the more electric we use the more coal we have to burn and the more Carbon Dioxide we generate. Therefore take steps to be more “electrically efficient” around the home. Change you light bulbs to the new energy efficient fluorescent bulbs. Unplug any and all appliances that you are not using to ensure that no power is being drawn. Turn off lights in rooms that you are not in. Replace those really old appliances with newer energy efficient ones.

There are many ways you can help reduce carbon dioxide production and emission into our atmosphere. With it being one of the major contributors to global warming we can and must do our part to at least slow it down. I have given you three ways in which you can start to help today. By educating yourself on more ways and sharing those ways with others we will be well on our way to a safer climate for generations to come.

By: Bruce A Tucker
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Way To Combating Global Warming

The Way To Combating Global Warming

Whether from exposure on radio, television, or the internet, most people are familiar with the idea of global warming. Media focus on the issue has sharpened in recent years.

There are dissenting ideas about the problem, but those who worry about it do so for a understandable reason. No one likes the idea of a future Earth that is uninhabitable for our descendants, after all.

Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize how easy, as well as how affordable it is to join in on the fight against global warming.

While the reports about vehicles and appliances that are energy efficient seem to be very helpful, the focus on them as ways to join the fight has been excessive.

There are far more affordable ways to help.
In order to prevent global warming, simply pay attention to the way your home is run. For example, many people allow their electrical appliances to keep running even when they are not in use so to help the environment, they should be turned off. This is a great way to prevent future problems and save money at the same time.

For the easiest way to reduce your electrical input, simply turn off all the lights and other appliances in the home when you are not immediately using them. This is not only a free way to help out, but you can also save money at the same time!

Another way you can help is by making sure your thermostat is not turned up too high so enjoy the comfort of wearing a sweater instead. Even a few degrees can help reduce the toxic emissions that come from your home.

Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize the many benefits to using energy efficient light bulbs, as oppsed to traditional ones.

These energy efficient bulbs also typically save their users a small amount of money. Many traditional light bulbs have to be replaced frequently, but energy efficient ones last for at least a year or two without needing to be replaced. Depending on where you shop, you may be able to buy these lights for around five dollars per multi-pack.

The contributions to combating global warming are not constricted to homeowners, as renters can help to. You may want to speak with your landlord about making any window repairs, especially if you feel cold air entering into your home when it shouldn't be. Your landlord can further save money through changes in the hot water heater or the addition of an insulation blanket.

You may not have the financial means needed to purchase a new hybrid or energy efficient car; however, you will still want to take a close look at your methods of transportation.

For many, we drive because we want to but don't actually need to. Other alternatives to driving are walking, the carpool, and public transportation. If you want to help fight global warming, you can easily do so by choosing to simply not drive three times you normally would during the week.

By: Lucille Green
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Effects Of Global Warming On Agriculture And Food Supply

Effects Of Global Warming On Agriculture And Food Supply

For a long time it has been believed that the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply is going to be a positive one. This is because the rising level of carbon-dioxide resulted for global warming will help the greeneries for photosynthesis.

Thus there will be a rise of agricultural production and food supply. The theorem received a boost after the evidence of a sharp rise of barley production as one of the effects of global warming in Iceland which was quite impossible even few years ago.

But more recent experiments and researches have revealed that the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply are not that good after all. AN UNEP 2001 report on the global warming has predicted that USA is going to have more droughts, floods, landslides and storms.

Winter will gradually be shortened and sobered down, while summer will rise in expansion and severity. Along with this heavy rain, big storm, heavy snowfall, high sea level, increasing coastal erosion and other problems will occur.

Though as one of the effects of global warming, the overall food supply and production level is supposed to rise in USA, but the Great Plains will suffer with more droughts resulting for global warming.

Even now many effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply have been perceived. The popular maple syrup production of North east USA has diminished by 10. This will create dire water shortage in summer, making the Central Valley area unsuitable for agricultural production for global warming. The State University of Colorado has declared that the area is going to be less productive due to effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply.

As the effects of global warming, the food supply production in Florida is going to suffer a lot due to frequent and large scale floods. Also one of the most profitable agricultural products of USA - corn will suffer a bad condition due to dry and hot atmosphere for global warming.

As another example of the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply - with the rise of temperature by 3 to 11 degrees in this century, the production rate of the main crops - the rice, corn, wheat, barley, soybeans and sorghum - will be cut down by 3-5% for each point rise of temperature for global warming.

However with all these effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply, new attempts have been made to adjust the agricultural and food production method according to the changing atmosphere. So to fight the effects of global warming, the researchers have established new methods of production with continuous revision of models. But still the best possible process to reduce the effects of global warming on agriculture and food supply is to be established.

By: Christophe Catesson

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Impact of Global Warming

The Impact of Global Warming
By Tracey Wilson

The Earth's temperature has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. According to the National Academy of Sciences, this is attributed to the rise of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

Energy from the sun drives the earth's climate and weather. It heats the earth's surface, the earth radiates energy, bouncing it back into space. Greenhouse gases trap some of the outgoing energy which retains heat. Hence, giving us the name of, “The Greenhouse Effect.”

Since the birth of the industrial revolution, concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%., methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide has risen about 15%. All of these increases has increased the heat-trapping capability of the earth's atmosphere. Trees and plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and have been what's kept our carbon dioxide emissions in balance. But the destruction of our rain forests and woodland areas, have dramatically decreased this intake. Also, increasing agriculture, landfills, industrial production and mining contribute significantly.

Globally, sea level has risen four-eight inches, over the past century. Worldwide participation over land has increased by about one percent. The frequency of extreme rainfalls has increased throughout much of the U.S. Scientists expect that the average global surface temperature could rise one – four-point-five degrees, Fahrenheit, in the next fifty years. And two-point-two – ten degrees, Fahrenheit, in the next century. Which could cause fifty percent of our animal life to be extinct in our children's/grand children's lifetime.

Evaporation will increase as the climate warms, which will increase average global participation. Sea levels are likely to rise two feet along most of the U.S coast.

Carbon Dioxide is released to the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels, (oil, natural gas, and coal), and wood and wood products are burned.

Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also results from the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid landfills, and the raising of livestock.

Nitrous Oxide is emitted during the agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels. (EPA global warming).

Some global warming signs are: heat waves, and periods of unusually warm weather, ocean warming, sea-level rise, coastal flooding, glaciers melting, Arctic warming, Antarctic warming, insect diseases spreading, earlier spring arrival, plant and animal range shifts, and population changes, coral reef bleaching, downpours, heavy snowfalls, flooding, droughts and fires. How many do you recognize happening right now?

People can make a difference. Here's some steps you can take:

Drive a fuel-efficient car. Look for the model with the best fuel economy in its class. Each gallon of gas you use releases 25 pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide, (CO2), into the atmosphere. Another great reason to car pool!

Choose clean power- more than ½ the electricity in the U.S comes from polluting coal-fired power plants. Power plants are the largest source of heat-trapping emissions. Try to switch to electricity suppliers that provide 50-100% renewable energy.

Look for the energy star- when it comes to replacing appliances, look for the energy star label. (Refrigerators, freezers, furnaces, air conditioners, and water heaters, use the most energy). If each U.S household replaced its existing appliances with the most efficient models available, we would save fifteen billion in energy costs and eliminate 175 million tons of heat-trapping emissions.

Unplug a freezer- if you own an extra refrigerator or freezer you rarely use, one of the quickest ways to reduce your global warming impact would be to unplug it. (Only plug it in when needed). This can reduce the family's carbon dioxide by nearly ten percent.

If we all work together, we can make a huge impact on global warming. You could literally have your child or grandchild's lives in your hands.

Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers. Most of Tracey's writings can be found at

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An Overview Of The Effects Of Global Warming

An Overview Of The Effects Of Global Warming

It is important to understand the significance that global warming has on not only our earth, but our daily lives as well. It’s also important to understand the effects of global warming that our children and grandchildren will experience in the years to come if things continue the way they are now.

First, it’s important to understand that “Global Warming” is also known as the “Greenhouse effect”. Instead of a plastic or glass shield, the earth has around it a series of atmospheric gases consisting mostly of nitrogen and oxygen molecules. The earth is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it would be if it didn’t have those atmospheric gases surrounding it. They keep the earth warm and protected from excess UV (Ultra Violet) rays from the sun. Once warmed, their molecules then radiate a portion of this heat energy back to earth, creating more warming on the surface of our planet. It is this radiation which causes atmospheric gases to move back to earth that scientists call the "greenhouse effect".

Much debate in the last five years about the greenhouse effect has centered on interpreting temperature numbers generated at weather stations all over the world. The data from these thermometers are averaged and plotted in attempts to determine just how fast the earth has heated up since the measurements began. There is now no doubt the world is getting warmer. The thermometers show that the world is warmer now than at any time since the measurements started. The year 1990 was the hottest year in the last century. Together with 1991, the years of 1983, 1987, 1988, and 1989, have been measured to be the warmest 6 years in the last hundred years. 1991 was the second warmest year of the past century, perhaps due to the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo during that year. The ash from the volcano in the upper atmosphere blocks some sunlight to earth, and is expected to generate a temporary two or three year cooling effect. After that time, most ash particles will have settled back to earth, and most scientists expect to see the global warming trend continue.

According to scientists, we can with "99% confidence conclude that current temperatures represent a real warming trend rather than a chance fluctuation over the 30-year period." Most scientists agree that the planet's temperature has risen 0.5 degrees Celsius since 1900, and will continue to increase at an increasing rate. The environment is responding to this warming. For instance, a study of mountain plants in the Alps (Europe), shows that some cold-loving plants are starting to move to higher and cooler altitudes. That is a possible response to increasing temperatures.
The global effects of the greenhouse effect cannot be directly predicted simply because we do not have enough knowledge in the subject. However, we have been able to draw direct connections between certain natural phenomenon that supports the idea that something is changing.

Global warming has great effect on crops and weather conditions around the world. The northern hemisphere contains more land area than the southern hemisphere, and conversely, a lower percentage of the world's oceans. Since oceans absorb more heat than land areas, it is not surprising that most climate models predict faster heating over the northern hemisphere than the global average. In addition, models predict faster temperature increases at higher latitudes. If global warming trends continue, high temperatures everywhere in the US may reduce US agricultural productivity.

Northern continental areas are projected to have drier summer soils, due in part to earlier snow melts in the spring, and hotter, more cloudless summers, causing extensive evaporation of ground moisture. In addition, if the inland areas of the northern hemisphere are expected to receive less moisture, then, lake and river levels will be lower. Some reports predict the level of the Great Lakes will drop between 2 and 8 feet. River flows in the western US may be very vulnerable to increase temperatures expected as result of the greenhouse effect.

By: Scott Byers
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Effects Global Warming May Have On Our Planet

The Effects Global Warming May Have On Our Planet

While many realize that global warming is occurring on our planet, few understand the implications that this may have on our way of life.

These rising global temperatures are going to cause a host of changes on our planet, and we need to act now or prepare to adjust to some very profound changes.

First, these rising temperatures present a huge threat to our ice-caps. Layers of ice that have not melted for thousands of years are beginning to break apart and fall into the ocean.

One of the biggest ice sheets on the planet, located on Greenland, is at a great risk of splitting apart and falling into the ocean.

While it doesn't sound like too big of a deal, the loss of the Greenland ice sheet will cause catastrophic circumstances world wide.

The world's sea level is expected to rise as much as 23 feet when the sheet falls, and that spells disaster for the coastal cities that represent some of the largest and most important centers of trade and commerce across the planet.

Manhattan would be sunk; much of Florida would be underwater, and that's not even to mention the worldwide consequences. Every area of the globe would be affected by this rising of sea levels, and the disaster caused would make hurricane damage seem like a blessing.

Millions of refugees from the coastal cities will be without home or workplace; it would be one of the hugest human issues ever faced in our history. The changing of the climate could also affect a host of circumstances on our planet; crop yields can be affected by the rising temperatures, which would also pose significant problems to a planet of refugees.

Much of the land may become barren due to the effects of temperature change, and we may find some of our most arable lands subject to the effects of soil erosion, and eventually, a transition into desert land.

Also, water supplies, forests, and plant and animal life would be affected by the planet's changes, and we may not be able to see how significant these changes may affect our lives until they are already upon us.

For that reason, it's important that we increase our knowledge of global warming, and do our best to prevent it in the coming years. While it may have adverse affects on our economy and our way of life, we owe it to our children to give them a peaceful, safe planet to grow up in.

By: Kadence Buchanan -
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