Proof Of Global Warming
Anyone who believes there has not been proof for global warming has had their heads stuck somewhere recently, and it might not be in the clouds! Don't get me wrong – I'm not one of those starry-eyed liberals.
For a long time, I myself didn't believe the proof of global warming. I had read all of the conservative documents against global warming proof, you see.
There are a wide variety of creative attempts to discredit evidence of global climate change. For example, many people cite studies done more than a decade ago that suggested that we might actually face global cooling as a result of human activities.
If they were wrong then, the skeptics ask, how do we know they're not wrong now?
The answer is simple. Global warming proof is everywhere.The science has gotten better, and even if there is a small chance that global warming isn't as severe as almost all scientists today agree it is, we can't afford to risk it.
No matter where you live, you have probably noticed the strange weather recently.In many parts of the world, there have been heat waves, unusual floods or droughts, and even severe storms.
What happened down in New Orleans was only the tip of the iceberg. And speaking of icebergs, had you better get a look at them while you have the chance. they might not be around for that much longer!
The moment I stopped doubting global warming proof was when I returned to our childhood ski resort.
We used to go skiing every winter, and one of the highlights of the trip was a trek up to a magnificent glacier.
Today, barely more than a decade later, that glacier has all but disappeared. The snow that used to stick all winter now only lasts a few weeks at a time, and many of the resorts in the area have closed permanently.
We may not understand all the facts, but something is happening to our environment and it is up to all of us to become involved.
There are many ways to become involved in helping to stop global warming. Writing your congressman is one of the most simple, straightforward, and effective ways.
If you want to go a step further, you can try to write opinion pieces in your local paper, attend protests, and most importantly, curb your consumption.Use less electricity, plant more trees, and try to use alternative modes of transportation.
We have all the global warming proof we need. Now is the time for action!
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Animals Affected by Global Warming
Animals Affected by Global Warming
By Ian Pennington
Today, natural phenomena seem to get intensified, as manifested on the physical and chemical conditions of the earth's atmosphere.
Several disturbances are not just evident to humans but to all living things and among the most significant problems ever occurred is global warming.
The blame for this natural problem should only be given to people, who ruthlessly destroy the environment.
The cruelty of people reaches every living thing from pole to pole as recent reports say that polar bears got stranded on small islands of ice, and most of these poor animals are dying and drowning.
The animals affected by global warming are apparently innocent; ironically, they are always the first ones who suffer.
Global warming can cause habitat displacement, which is a great problem in the ecosystem. Imagine how animals affected by global warming get through such situation.
These animals have spent millions of years in their respective ecosystems and then abruptly, their adaptation will shift.
This is more illustrated by how ice gives way to water in the polar bear habitat. Beyond habitat displacement, experts agree that global warming results a shift in timing of many natural cyclical events in any animal's life.
For example are the birds that have altered timing of long-held migratory and reproductive routines, bettering syncing up under warm climate.
Some hibernating animals too are ending their slumbers earlier because of warmer spring temperatures.
Animals affected by global warming can sometimes move into new places and continue to thrive.
However, parallel human population growth may mean that many land areas that are suitable for such "refugee wildlife" are already cluttered with industrial and residential developments. According to researches, when different species share the same habitat, they will respond in dissimilar ways while tearing apart the future ecological communities' millennia.
Most researches will testify the intensity of changes happening in the lives of animals affected by global warming.
Thousands of struggling species suffer from extinction, in fact, as of 2003, 80% some 1,500 wildlife species sampled show signs of stress to climate change.
Hence, we can possibly determine the situation of the innocent animals in 10 years or so.
If the big polar bears undergo great sufferings from today's problem in global warming, what more will other smaller species feel then?
The Defenders of Wildlife, an environmental movement, gathered statistics about some of the wildlife species that are hardest hit by global warming.
Along with the polar bears on the list are the toads, penguins, arctic foxes, tree swallows, gray wolves, salmon, and painted turtles.
Nonetheless, there is still hope if we still want to save the lives of these animals and other future victims.
That is, if we will take decisive steps to reverse global warming.
Let us stop razing the environment and fear God, for He will punish the destroyers at the end of time
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By Ian Pennington
Today, natural phenomena seem to get intensified, as manifested on the physical and chemical conditions of the earth's atmosphere.
Several disturbances are not just evident to humans but to all living things and among the most significant problems ever occurred is global warming.
The blame for this natural problem should only be given to people, who ruthlessly destroy the environment.
The cruelty of people reaches every living thing from pole to pole as recent reports say that polar bears got stranded on small islands of ice, and most of these poor animals are dying and drowning.
The animals affected by global warming are apparently innocent; ironically, they are always the first ones who suffer.
Global warming can cause habitat displacement, which is a great problem in the ecosystem. Imagine how animals affected by global warming get through such situation.
These animals have spent millions of years in their respective ecosystems and then abruptly, their adaptation will shift.
This is more illustrated by how ice gives way to water in the polar bear habitat. Beyond habitat displacement, experts agree that global warming results a shift in timing of many natural cyclical events in any animal's life.
For example are the birds that have altered timing of long-held migratory and reproductive routines, bettering syncing up under warm climate.
Some hibernating animals too are ending their slumbers earlier because of warmer spring temperatures.
Animals affected by global warming can sometimes move into new places and continue to thrive.
However, parallel human population growth may mean that many land areas that are suitable for such "refugee wildlife" are already cluttered with industrial and residential developments. According to researches, when different species share the same habitat, they will respond in dissimilar ways while tearing apart the future ecological communities' millennia.
Most researches will testify the intensity of changes happening in the lives of animals affected by global warming.
Thousands of struggling species suffer from extinction, in fact, as of 2003, 80% some 1,500 wildlife species sampled show signs of stress to climate change.
Hence, we can possibly determine the situation of the innocent animals in 10 years or so.
If the big polar bears undergo great sufferings from today's problem in global warming, what more will other smaller species feel then?
The Defenders of Wildlife, an environmental movement, gathered statistics about some of the wildlife species that are hardest hit by global warming.
Along with the polar bears on the list are the toads, penguins, arctic foxes, tree swallows, gray wolves, salmon, and painted turtles.
Nonetheless, there is still hope if we still want to save the lives of these animals and other future victims.
That is, if we will take decisive steps to reverse global warming.
Let us stop razing the environment and fear God, for He will punish the destroyers at the end of time
source :
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